As a Women's coach and embodied movement therapist, I'm here to help you access your sacred power and reclaim the wild erotic sensual inner goddess that you were put here to be. I’m here to help you remember who you are, to walk you to the edge of what you believe is possible & watch as you boldly jump into the unknown, applauding you for your bravery! It’s time to unburden yourself from the shackles of societal conformity. To skip down the path of liberation with me, feeling fearless and empowered to express yourself in a way that inspires you the most. My gift to you is a full body awakening through sacred sensuality and mastering the art of healing through pleasure.

My coaching method is specifically designed to help you feel comfortable within your body, so that you are able to tap into your sacred sensual sexual energy and use this energy as a way to engage with life. Sexuality & sensuality is often the missing key in spirituality. This for me is crazy because it's literally the way we interact with life, It is the physical expression of our spiritual power.

Society has taught us that sexuality is something to be hidden, that we shouldn’t talk about it openly, that it should be kept private, women that are sexual are often seen as unholy, promiscuous, untrustworthy, cheap, uneducated, manipulative, vulgar, the list goes on.

This is all societal conditioning and the only way to truly liberate yourself is by healing the relationship to your own sexuality & becoming really comfortable with your own authentic sexual, sensual expression. As a woman it is imperative for your health both physically and mentally that you learn to shamelessly embody this part of yourself.

A woman’s power lies within her sensuality and her willingness to express it. Sensuality is the essence of a woman, if a woman doesn't feel safe to express herself sensually she doesn’t feel safe in her body, which transmutes to feeling unsafe in the world. When we don’t feel safe this is ultimately because we have fear and if we have fear this directly removes us from love. To be sensual to be sexual is to live a life rooted in love.

Everything that you are chasing, clinging to, everything that you are forcing, stop. This is one of the biggest mistakes we make as women, the feminine attracts through her magnetism, through her body, when we chase life, this automatically brings us out of the body and out of touch with our femininity. To live a life more embodied, more pleasurable, more abundant, you must first be willing to face and love the parts of yourself that you don’t acknowledge. This isn’t easy work and the healing doesn't happen over night, like everything it’s a journey and our willingness to commit determines our evolution.

The Goddess Academy is specifically created to assist women with this transformation.



International School Of Temple Arts L1/2 - Spiritual Sexual Shamanism

With Raffaello Manacorda, Ria Yoshida, Eugene Hedlund and Dawn Cherie.

What a life-changing experience! This completely transformed my view of sexuality. I faced and healed my own sexual conditioning and trauma. Awakening me in ways that I struggle to find words for, I healed childhood wounds and embraced my rage for the first time. This experience helped me to integrate the shadow side of myself that I felt so ashamed of and gave me the confidence to express myself in ways I had never dared to before. As cheesy as it sounds, this training helped me to see, love & accept all parts of myself. ISTA has greatly inspired my own teaching and I hope to share my own spin on this magic with you.

8 Week Sacred Sexuality Course

With Embodied Awakening Academy.

This course was the beginning of a whole new journey for me into the realms of healing through pleasure and how shame, guilt and fear is deeply rooted in our relationship to sexuality, something that I didnt understand before. This helped me to see self pleasure as sacred act of devotion and orgasm as a pathway to the divine.


Trauma Informed Coaching and Feminine Embodiment program 12 month training.

With Sharada Devi

This course taught me trauma informed embodiment coaching, healing through the body/sexuality, nervous system regulation, the power of sisterhood and in-depth studies into the Vedanta. has been an incredibly nourishing, gentle whilst still being a powerfully spiritual experience.




200-Hour Hatha/Ashtanga Vinyasa Upaya Yoga School in Goa

With Prem Krishnanda.

This was such a life-changing experience for me, living on a beach in north Goa, practicing, and studying to the sounds of the Indian Ocean. This training opened up so many doors for me, spiritually. Anyone who wishes to study yoga should go to India. It's a truly magical place.

300-Hour Inversion Based Vinyasa
Kalpana Radhika Yoga School in Bali

With Jaya Prada Radhika, Daniel Rama.

This training was very traditional. We studied yoga philosophy for around 4 hours a day. This has helped me to understand the non-physical aspect of yoga. I'm super grateful to Radhika and her teachers for sharing their wisdom. Radhika spent four years living in an Ashram, so her teachings are filled with genuine love and understanding.


300-Hour Advanced Teacher Training
One Movement Yoga School, Germany

With Dylan Werner, Mercy Ananda, and Shiva Das.

This training helped me truly understand the human body and deepen my knowledge of fascia and functional movement. We studied how to create sequences based on the Myofascial Meridians, which has inspired my teaching today.



Deepen your sensual connection with private online & in person 1:1 Transformational coaching sessions.